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Getting Here

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The Sea View Inn

3400 Highland Avenue
Manhattan Beach CA 90266
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Los Angeles International Airport

As the second busiest airport in the USA, it’s easy to think navigating to the Sea View Inn from LAX will be hard; think again. Located just 5 miles away and seemingly an ocean apart from the bustle of the airport, you get here without ever hopping on a freeway. Whew!
No Car, No Problem! The Secrets to Getting an Uber or Lyft
Taking an Uber or Lyft is easy and affordable, costing about $20.00. But, here’s the Secret Scoop#1: YOU MUST MEET AT THE LAX-it(pronounced LA Exit) station; it’s a bright lime green designated spot just a walk or shuttle away from baggage claim.
Super Secret #2: Your Uber/Lyft app will not work until you make your way to the LAX-it station. Once there, your app works, and you can call up your ride. Cars are lined up with clearly defined sections (example B21), so you know LAXactly where to meet your driver.
lax airport
longbeach airport
Long Beach Airport

Not a Long Trip from There to Here

Located just a mere 20 miles away, the airport is situated smack dab between Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Acting as more of a regional airport with only 4 airlines servicing the hub, it’s easy to navigate. Long Beach puts on full display its glorious sunshine with outdoor cafes and waiting areas. BONUS TIP: no shuttle required to pick up a rental car or call a ride-sharing app.
John Wayne Airport Orange County

Orange You Glad You Asked?

As the only commercial airport in Orange County, it services more than 3 million people across 34 California cities. It’s approximately 44 miles away and requires a trip across the 405 freeway – the most congested freeway in the United States. WARNING: Budget at least a 2-hour window to get to the airport and return a car.
john wayne airport

Driving Yourself Here Without Going Crazy

Of course, you’re welcome to drive yourself here with your own car or a rental car. Here’s a few notes to make your life easier: Parking at the Sea View Inn: We offer one parking spot per room for $25 per day. Simply register your car upon arrival.

Manhattan Beach Parking – Street parking is virtually impossible to find. If you have good “carma,” you might even find a metered spot on a hotspot street or at the beach. Parking is so tight here that residents are allowed to park in their own driveway to preserve the few open spots. Electric bikes and Vespas are everywhere. Valet parking is offered at most restaurants.
manhattan beach
P: 310.545.1504
F: 310.545.4052

Sea View Inn at the Beach

3400 Highland Avenue Manhattan Beach, California 90266

1 310-545-1504

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